Multilingual Language Learners Build Confidence and Community at Camp | #StudentVoice

WRDSB Multilingual Language Learners (MLL) headed to camp to celebrate the end of the school year. Over three days, 150[…]

Black Excellence Program Helps Students Build Connections and Community | #StudentVoice

Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) student Leilani wanted to share some of her reflections from participation in recent Black[…]

Transforming Education: Preparing Students for a Changing World

We are proud to share how WRDSB is preparing the students we serve for success in learning and in life[…]

Share Your Voice – EngageWRDSB

We’re excited to launch EngageWRDSB! This landing page is our first step in creating a hub to engage with families[…]

Students Take Learning Outdoors at rare Charitable Research Reserve

At the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB), we believe in providing diverse and engaging learning experiences. At times, these[…]

Opening on April 4: Safe, Caring and Inclusive School Student Survey

The Safe, Caring and Inclusive School (SCIS) survey opens on April 4 for Grade 4-12 students. The Safe, Caring and[…]

Coming in April: Safe, Caring and Inclusive School Student Survey

The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is committed to ensuring our schools are safe, caring and inclusive spaces for[…]

Secondary Students: Vote for the 2024-25 Student Trustees

WRDSB Secondary Students: It’s time to vote for the 2024-25 Student Trustees! Secondary Students: Vote and Make Your Voice Heard[…]

Black Secondary Students Creating Connections at Black Brilliance Conference

The celebration of Black Brilliance isn’t limited to the month of February. In December, students from secondary schools across the[…]

Meet the Candidates for the 2024-25 School Year – Student Trustee Election

Meet the Student Trustee candidates for the 2024-25 school year:  Meet the Candidates This year, Student Trustee elections feature a[…]

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