WRDSB participates in Mental Health Week, May 6-12 2024

Since 1951, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) has hosted Mental Health Week during the first week in May, making[…]

Opening on April 4: Safe, Caring and Inclusive School Student Survey

The Safe, Caring and Inclusive School (SCIS) survey opens on April 4 for Grade 4-12 students. The Safe, Caring and[…]

Coming in April: Safe, Caring and Inclusive School Student Survey

The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is committed to ensuring our schools are safe, caring and inclusive spaces for[…]

Now Available: 2022-2023 Safe, Caring and Inclusive School Survey Summary Report

The summary report of the 2022-2023 Safe, Caring and Inclusive School Survey is now available! All school boards in Ontario[…]

March Lunch and Learn Sessions for Families and Caregivers

As part of our ongoing efforts to support WRDSB families and caregivers, our psychology staff are offering a number of[…]

February Lunch and Learn Sessions for Families and Caregivers

As part of our ongoing efforts to support WRDSB families and caregivers, our psychology staff are offering a number of[…]

January Lunch and Learn Sessions for Parents and Caregivers

As part of our ongoing efforts to support WRDSB families, our psychology staff are offering a number of Lunch and[…]

WRDSB Students Learn to be Kind to Their Minds at Student Wellness Conference

In May, over 100 students from secondary schools across the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) took part in the[…]

WRDSB participates in Mental Health Week, May 1-7, 2023

Since 1951, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) has hosted Mental Health Week during the first week in May, making[…]

Talking about Mental Health: A Message from Director chanicka

Dear WRDSB community, As a district, one of our core priorities is to address mental health and well-being. Through many[…]

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