Introducing the New Anonymous Bullying Reporting Tool

The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) is proud to announce the launch of the WRDSB Anonymous Bullying Reporting Tool[…]

Students Aim to Improve Experiences of Newcomers with Design Thinking

Grade 7 students at Groh PS in Jen Schaefer and Jes Neilson’s classes recently had the opportunity to interview jeewan[…]

Learner Profile

The learner profile is made up of the skills and attributes students need to be successful in learning and in[…]

Preparing for the School Year: Well-being Resources for Families

Returning to school in September in any year can hold angst and worries for students and families alike. Experiences and[…]

Teacher Captures Student Portraits 10 Years Apart

Students grow and change a lot during their time in school, and Conan Stark, a teacher at Cameron Heights Collegiate[…]

Remember to Have Your Say – Our Strategic Plan

WRDSB parents, caregivers and community members, we want to hear from you! Don’t miss your chance to help us plan[…]

Student Activities for the Strategic Planning Process

Students, we want to hear from you! Your voice will help us plan for the future of the Waterloo Region[…]

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