The Waterloo Region District School Board’s (WRDSB) Strategic Plan is our guide as we create schools where all students are able to reach their full potential on their chosen pathway in learning and life.
Our plan defines our vision and mission as a school district. To help us achieve our mission and vision, we are guided by six strategic directions and seven skills and attributes as part of a learner profile. The entire strategic plan was built using what we heard from students, families, community members and staff.
We were guided by the knowledge and experience of the Board of Trustees at every stage in the strategic planning process. During the development of our mission, vision, strategic directions and the learner profile, their input and guidance was critical in ensuring that the voices of their constituents were heard.
As we move forward we are committed to partnering with those we serve to make our schools places where every student can be successful.
What We Heard From You
A wide-ranging consultation process allowed us to hear from you as part of the more than 10,000:
- Students
- Staff
- Families
- Community members
Importantly, more than 5,000 of those were students.
You told us what matters to you in a school experience, so this is your plan, too.
Read more about What We Heard From You.
Our Vision
Celebrating the gifts of each and every student by creating limitless opportunities for them to flourish, grow and become their best selves.
Our Mission
Creating learning environments where all students excel as they become skilled, caring, and compassionate global citizens.
Learner Profile
The learner profile is made up of the skills and attributes students need to be successful in learning and in life as we move toward the 22nd century. These are based on what students, families, community members and staff told us was important for them in a public school experience.
Read more about the Learner Profile.
Strategic Directions
As we look towards the future, we are setting our goals high. We aim to set the WRDSB apart as a leader in public education not only in Canada, but around the world. Our six Strategic Directions will guide us on this journey.
Read more about the Strategic Directions.
Measuring Our Progress
You are our partners in educating students. We are committed to ensuring that we keep you informed about our progress towards meeting our goals. This is how you can stay informed:
Board Improvement and Equity Plan (BIEP)
Each school year, we share the details of how we achieve the goals laid out in the Strategic Plan. The Board Improvement and Equity Plan (BIEP), previously known as our operational plan, includes accountability measures. These will allow you to see and understand how we’re doing. These also allow us to adjust our approach to ensure we remain on the path to success.
Provided by the Ministry of Education, the BIEP is a school board planning tool. It sets out province-wide goals and performance indicators in four key areas:
- Achievement
- Human rights and equity
- Mental health, well-being and engagement
- Transitions and pathways
With this as a guide, we set specific goals and objectives that are responsive to the needs of the students and community we serve.
Categories: Strategic Plan Tags: Director's Response · Strat Plan · Strategic Plan · Strategic Planning Process · Students' Strategic Plan