The Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) recognizes the value of providing opportunities and partnerships with colleges, universities and other training agencies and strives to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all placements. Placements could take place across a variety of different programs and departments within the WRDSB and may include, but are not limited to: teacher candidates, educational assistant students, and interns.
Volunteers do not fall under this program.
A. Interested in a Placement with WRDSB?
Placement Coordinators or students interested in arranging an unpaid post-secondary placement (UPSP) with WRDSB must have approval by the site’s Administrator (Principal or Vice-Principal) or Department Supervisor prior to students performing any work in our workplace.
To arrange an unpaid placement, the following forms must be provided, along with a copy of the placement site’s Administrator approval:
Terms and Conditions of the Placement
- A Terms and Conditions Form for UPSP (HR-16-101), or equivalent provided by the institution, must be completed and signed by the placement coordinator and student and verified by the site administrator/supervisor prior to commencement of the placement.
- For students not in approved Ministry of Training, Colleges and University (MTCU) Post-Secondary Institutions/Training Agencies, proof of WSIB coverage or valid disability/liability insurance is required.
B. I’ve got the Placement! What else do I need to do to prepare?
All placement students must complete and participate in the safety orientation with their Administrator/Supervisor prior to performing any work at a WRDSB site. A record of the orientation is to be documented using the Safety Orientation Checklist for UPSP (HR-16-100).
Students must complete the following prior to the first day of their placement:
- Mandatory Online Training
- Police Vulnerable Sector Check
- HR-16-100 Safety Orientation Checklist for UPSP – Sections A and B
Step 1 – Obtain a Police Vulnerable Sector Check
All WRDSB placements require proof of a valid Police Vulnerable Sector Check.
- Police Vulnerable Sector Checks are obtained through your local police department and may take up to 3 weeks to obtain.
- An original copy dated within the past 6 months must be provided.
- Records check must not indicate any prior convictions.
- WRDSB does not compensate placement students for the cost of the records check.
Step 2 – Complete Mandatory Online Training
As of September 25, 2023, mandatory training will be completed through the WRDSB Employee Online Training Portal. Follow the directions below.
- All online training modules must be completed prior to the start of the placement.
- Refer to the Student Online Training Guide for guidance on how to register and access online training.
- Placement students will receive an ‘Award’ upon completion of each course. A corresponding certificate will be available within the training portal that can be downloaded and/or printed.
- Certificates must be available as proof of completion prior to performing any work at a WRDSB site.
If you are a returning student (i.e., completing a second placement at the WRDSB), you must complete all the required training modules annually (as is required of WRDSB staff). The Worker Health and Safety Awareness module required by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development is a one-time only training. If you have a record of completing this training, then it does not need to be completed again.
C. My First Day
Placement students are expected to provide the following documents prior to, or on, the first day of their placement:
- An original copy of a valid Police Vulnerable Sector Check;
- Online Training certificates must be available to share with the site administrator upon request.
- A copy of the Safety Orientation Checklist for UPSP (HR-16-100) with Sections A and B completed; and
- A copy of the Terms and Conditions Form for UPSP (HR-16-101).
D. I’ve started my Placement. Is there anything else I need to know?
- Placement students have all of the same rights as any other worker under the OHS Act including the right to refuse unsafe work. Questions or concerns during your placement should be brought forward immediately to the Administrator/Supervisor.
- Accidents/Incidents must be reported immediately to the placement Administrator/Supervisor in order to complete and submit any required documentation/reporting. This is especially important when there is health care or lost time.
E. Questions?
Please contact your Site Administrator or Department Supervisor if you have any questions. For questions relating to the required Health & Safety training, please contact
Categories: Board · Learning Tags: placement · student learning