The staff and activities of the Waterloo Region District School Board are guided by policies and procedures. Policies and procedures are important resources for the Board as they govern our operations and integrate the strategies, priorities and expressed values of the Board. They also provide belief statements and operating guidelines for parents, staff and students regarding the administration of program, property, student, staff and Board matters.
If you’d like access to a Policy or Procedure listed but not linked here, please contact us.
A policy is a statement or position adopted by the Board that provides the framework for a course of action. It is a commitment by which the Board is held accountable to its public. Adoption of new board policies or revision of existing policies is solely the responsibility of the Board.
A procedure is a course of action developed to implement and support an approved Board policy. Most procedures will be available to the public. Procedures that have a confidentiality or a health/safety component will not be posted on the Board website.
Release and general use of student information
Schools and Waterloo Region District School Board will use your student’s personal information for consistent general purposes or to comply with legislation. An explanation of routine uses and disclosures are outlined.
When a student turns 18 years of age, they have reached adult status. Information about their academic progress, attendance, and access to their records can no longer be provided to their parents/guardians without the student’s written permission. An explanation of the adult student status and frequently asked questions are outlined.