The Waterloo Region District School Board’s (WRDSB) 2023-2024 Annual Community Report shares how WRDSB ensures all students:
- Achieve their goals
- Feel seen and included
This aligns with WRDSB’s North Star that identity and social location no longer predict outcomes, and to ensure success for all.
Below, you will find a summary of our work. This is guided by the six WRDSB Strategic Directions.
$21,000 grant funding for 15 student projects
2,000 newcomer students registered
7,000 elementary students screened for early literacy
5,719 students enrolled in experiential learning programs (OYAP, SHSM)
$640K in scholarships for >20 students
4,000 Grade 7 and 8 students reached through the “Sources of Strength” sessions coordinated with the Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council
87% or 106 of 122 WRDSB sites fully accessible
Remaining 13% have projects underway. By 2026, complete accessibility projects at partially and non-accessible schools
4,900 students enrolled in 75 extended day childcare programs
1 of the largest licensed affordable, high-quality child care providers in Waterloo Region
731 caregivers joined 27 online mental health sessions for families
175 caregivers participated in monthly Assistive Technology webinars
Structured literacy training provided to families
Achieved full destreaming in Grade 9 and 10 English and Math
WRDSB leaders trained to create psychologically safe workplaces and committed to implementing them
Partnered with universities and colleges to offer hands-on post-secondary science, technology, English and mathematics (STEM) programs and other career pathways
$26,000 raised by students at 15 schools for KidsAbility
Developing a design standard for vision and hearing impairment related accessibility upgrades
This creates truly accessible spaces for students, staff and communities
Categories: Community Tags: 2023 · 2023-24 · 2024 · 23-24 · annual · card · community · report