Graduation is based on an accumulation of credits. Many courses offered in secondary education are credit courses. A credit is a means of recognition for the successful completion of a course. Most courses are worth 1.0 credits and are earned when a student demonstrates the required skills and knowledge needed to complete the course and for which a minimum of 110 hours has been scheduled. Some courses may be offered as partial credit (e.g., .5 or .25 credit) or non-credit. A credit is granted to a student by the principal of a secondary school on behalf of the Minister of Education.
OSSD, OSSC, Certificate of Accomplishment
OSSD – Ontario Secondary School Diploma
In order to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) a student must:
- earn 30 credits (19 compulsory and 11 optional credits) beginning for grade 9 students in September 2024; (more info)
- complete 40 hours of community involvement activities; (more info)
- meet the provincial secondary school literacy diploma requirement through successful completion of either the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) or the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC). (more info)
- Online Learning Requirement; students must earn at least two online learning credits
- Parents who wish to opt out or exempt their student from the online graduation requirement must complete the opt-out form available from their student’s secondary school
OSSC – Ontario Secondary School Certificate
The Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) will be granted on request to students who leave school before earning the Ontario Secondary School Diploma provided they have earned a minimum of 14 credits (more info).
Certificate of Accomplishment
Students who leave school before fulfilling the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or the Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) may be granted a Certificate of Accomplishment. This certificate may be a useful means of recognizing achievement for students who plan to take vocational programs or other kinds of training. Students who return to school to complete additional credit and non-credit courses will have their transcript updated but will not be issued a new Certificate of Accomplishment.
Categories: Learning