Summer Community Literacy Resources | A Region That Reads Together

As we first shared in June, we’re working together to help ensure the students we serve have the support and[…]

A Region That Reads Together

We believe community partnerships are key to supporting students and their families. Especially to help them access the fantastic programming[…]

A Region That Reads Together

We’re working together to help ensure the students we serve have the support and resources they need to learn to[…]

Transforming Literacy: Stewart Avenue Public School’s Journey with Structured Literacy

It was a busy day in class, and Rhys, Travis and Hafsa just finished learning about compound words. When asked[…]

2024 Education Week

This week is Education Week in Ontario. Recognized during the first week of May each year, Education Week gives us[…]

Announcing the WRDSB Structured Literacy Multi-Year Plan

The Structured Literacy Multi-Year Plan (SLMYP) will help all Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) students develop the literacy skills[…]

Structured Literacy Multi-Year Plan (SLMYP)

We’re focused on supporting all students to develop the literacy skills they need to succeed personally and academically. The Structured[…]

OSSLT for Secondary Students in 2023-24

To get their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), students in Grades 10 to 12 must meet the literacy graduation requirement.[…]

Manchester PS receives Indigo Love of Reading grant

Reading fills the mind with imagination and knowledge, while also being an important part of everyday life – from reading[…]

Lackner Woods PS Family Reading Night

Parents and students had a wonderful evening of learning and laughing at Lackner Woods Public School‘s Family Reading Night! What[…]