Ontario’s Education Minister learns with WRDSB students

On May 6, Southwood Secondary School (SSS) and Cedar Creek Public School students met with Ontario’s Minister of Education at[…]

Friday, November 13 is a PA Day

Friday, November 13 is a Professional Activity Day for teachers. There will be no school for students. Elementary The morning[…]

BIPSA 2014-2015

The 2014-15 Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement is here! This plan provides an overview of the plan to optimize student learning and achievement in the Waterloo Region District School Board.  Schools, families and community are welcome to point and click on any part of this interactive version of the BIPSA synopsis for further details on each element.

If you are seeing BIPSA for the first time, there is also a description offered at your first click on what BIPSA is. Each school will also be developing a School Improvement plan that is developed and shared at each school annually.

Read more about BIPSA 2014-2015 »