Each secondary school provides support to multilingual language learners. There are Multilingual Language Learners (MLLs) at all secondary schools and all educators are responsible for supporting multilingual students in ways that honour their cultures, languages, and lived experiences. 

Typically, students who are beginning to learn English join one of the ESL/ELD Magnet Programs offered at four WRDSB secondary schools: 

About the ESL/ELD Magnet Programs

The four schools listed above provide English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Literacy Development (ELD) programs. These programs are designed for multilingual students learning English and include all subjects, such as: 

  • English language and literacy 
  • Math
  • Science
  • Geography, Art, Health & Physical Education, Business

Please see the school board’s English as a Second Language Magnet Program page to find out more about our Magnet programs.

Multilingual students with more advanced English skills may choose to attend their home school. They will still receive MLL support through:

  • Accommodations
  • Ongoing STEP evaluation
  • Integrated Special Education services if needed

Educators and Settlement Workers at all schools can help your child and family access support within the school and community. Newcomer multilingual students who are entering secondary school must have an initial interview and assessment at the WRDSB Welcome Centre for Newcomers before registering at any school.

Support Staff

Guidance Counselors help students to select appropriate courses in secondary school, based on their strengths and needs as learners, and dependent on their goals after high school. They can also help students to access supports in the community.

School Settlement Workers help newcomer students and their families to become familiar with Canadian society and the education system by providing information, community connections, orientation, and advocacy.

Interpreters can be provided to help you register for school and communicate with school staff.

System Navigators are dedicated to building trust between communities, students, families, and the Waterloo Region District School Board in order to address and prevent issues of identity-based harm. Please use the forms below if you would like to speak with a System Navigator.

What You Need To Graduate

For information on which courses students need in order to graduate from secondary school, please see the files below:

Newcomer Orientation Week (NOW)

Before the beginning of each school year, a Newcomer Orientation Week is hosted by the YMCA Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) program. This is hosted at ESL/ELD magnet secondary schools to welcome multilingual students.  Registration begins in May.

The NOW week is led by MLL student peers and designed to ease the transition into high school by providing opportunities for newcomer youth to:

  • Feel comfortable in the school building
  • Build relationships and make friends before the first day of school