On Wednesday, June 8, 2016, WRDSB staff, trustees, the Ministry of Education, and construction staff celebrated the construction of our newest elementary school with a sod turning!

The new school, located on Thomas Slee Drive in south Kitchener, was named Groh Public School in November 2015. The school name relates to the Groh family, who were one of the first to settle in the region. Harold Groh was an educator for many years, and his wife Cora, was involved in many women’s activities in the local Mennonite community. The name Groh also serves as a double entendre, as our students grow and achieve success throughout their school journey.

The school is scheduled to open in September 2017, and will accommodate approximately 600 students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8.


It’s official – let the construction continue!

It’s official – let the construction continue!


Future Groh PS Principal Helmut Tinnes standing in front of the his new school.

Future Groh PS Principal Helmut Tinnes standing in front of his new school.


The site of our new south Kitchener elementary school, Groh PS.

The site of our new south Kitchener elementary school, Groh PS.