We’re committed to supporting all students in developing a strong foundational understanding of mathematics. We know this is an essential skill for all students.
About the WRDSB Math Achievement Action Plan
The WRDSB Math Achievement Action Plan was developed in response to the Ministry of Education 2023 Math Strategy. It calls upon school boards to develop their own plans, focusing on three key areas:
- Curriculum implementation
- Educator math content training
- Knowing the mathematics learner
In each of these key areas, we have created strategies and selected indicators to help us keep track of our progress.
The WRDSB Vision for Math Education – Good for All
Guidance from the Ministry of Education recommends school boards focus attention on schools with the most need. However, our enhanced mathematics strategy is for all WRDSB students. This foundational knowledge will empower all students to:
- Achieve their full potential
- Provide pathways for students to meet their postsecondary goals
From Kindergarten to Graduation
The WRDSB Math Achievement Action Plan spans across all grade levels, from Kindergarten to graduation. It’s a plan for all students and educators. Students at all grade levels will learn mathematics with an approach centred on:
- Learning mathematics by understanding the needs of each individual student
- Using data-driven instructional and assessment practices to enhance student achievement
- Actively building new knowledge and supporting interventions based on students’ experiences and prior knowledge
Supports for Educators
Staff learning is vital in creating the conditions in which students thrive in mathematics education. We will work with Grade 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 math educators to develop a tiered intervention plan. It must address opportunity gaps in how math is taught. These plans will focus on teaching grade-level curriculum through:
- Collaborative coaching and problem-solving
- Professional development
- Supports, tools and curriculum resources
Equitable Access
We will ensure that all students have access to high-level, equitable and inclusive math instruction. Equity does not mean every student receives identical instruction. Instead, educators will take an individualized approach based on student needs. This will help us to ensure that identity and social location no longer predict student outcomes.
Key Components of the Math Achievement Action Plan
The WRDSB Math Achievement Action Plan strategies are supported by a number of key initiatives. We understand that an effective approach to instruction and assessment must meet the varying needs of students.
Supporting Math Learning
As we implement our Math Achievement Action Plan, we have aligned our strategies to three priority actions outlined by the Ministry of Education:
- Curriculum Implementation
- Ensuring alignment of curriculum implementation
- Use of educational practices with a proven track record of enhancing student achievement
- Ongoing Learning for Staff
- Engaging in ongoing learning to strengthen mathematics content knowledge for teaching
- Knowing the Mathematics Learners
- Ensuring mathematical tasks, interventions and supports are relevant and responsive
Intervention Model
The intervention model includes:
- Collaborating with classroom teacher to build capacity through coaching
- Using data to inform small group (classroom embedded) targeted instruction
- Providing targeted support for students in key content areas
The intervention model is supported by:
- Seven School Math Facilitators supporting Grades 3 and 6
- Five Math Intervention Specialists supporting Grades 7 and 8
- Two Math Student Intervention Coaches supporting Grade 9
The intervention model builds on the success we saw with the intermediate math intervention program:
Itinerant Coach Model
The itinerant coach model includes:
- Observation classrooms
- Individual and small group coaching (co-planning, co-teaching)
- Facilitating course-team planning and learning
- Implementing and modeling high-impact instructional strategies
- Resource development and sharing
The itinerant coach model is supported by:
- Three Math Itinerant Coaches (Grades 9 and 10)
Professional Learning Opportunities
- Educators will have the opportunity to take part in learning focused on:
- Ensuring curriculum alignment
- Building content knowledge for teaching
- Knowing the learners in order to create supportive learning environments
- Adopting high-impact instructional and assessment practices
School-Based Supports
Schools will receive site-based supports for:
- Math Achievement Action Plan implementation
- Coaching and professional development
Additional Resources and Resources
Building on the resources and opportunities above, schools and educators also have access to:
WRDSB Resources that provide:
- Student Developmental Trajectories
- Lesson planning
- Sample Weeks at a Glance
- Tutorial videos
- Instructional and assessment supports
- Math tools and materials
Ministry of Education Resources
- High-Impact Instructional Practices
- Paying Attention to Mathematics
- Math Curriculum Supports
- TVO Mathify – homework and tutoring
Categories: Learning Tags: learning · MAAP · math · Math Achievement Action Plan · Math Action Plan · Math Strategy · Mathematics