Did you know that you and your child can visit our school libraries and sign out books before your little one starts in September?

We are inviting our families to use their school’s library, once their child has been registered for Kindergarten. We hope you will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to become familiar with your child’s school.

How it works?

  • Register for Kindergarten. If you have not registered your child for Kindergarten, please contact your school to arrange a specific time for registration. If you are not sure which school your child will attend, check the school finder or call (519) 650-4934 x221. For more information about Kindergarten, please visit our Early Learning website.
  • After March Break, you can begin to use the library during the hours of operation. Please visit your school’s website for specific hours of operation.
  • You may borrow two books at a time for up to three weeks.

Benefits of Reading

Cuddle up and read – reading and talking about books creates special moments.

Be a reading role model – when children see you reading, they will want to be readers too!

Words are everywhere – reading everyday items like cereal boxes, street signs, posters and words found on many objects can help build your child’s literacy skills.