Data from the 2022-2023 Academic Year

Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Core Academic Skills

Goal: Improve students’ literacy learning and achievement

  • Measure: Percentage of students who met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO Assessments for Grade 3/6 Reading and Writing and percentage of first time eligible students who were successful on the OSSLT/TPCL.

Goal: Improve students’ math learning and achievement

  • Measure: Percentage of students who met or exceeded the provincial standard on EQAO Assessments for Grade 3/6/9 Math

Data from the 2021-2022 Academic Year

Preparation of Students for Future Success

Goal: Improve students’ graduation rates and preparedness for future success

Measure: Percentage of students graduating with an OSSD within five years of starting Grade 9

  • Includes students who began Grade 9 in 2017-2018 and tracks their progress until 2021-2022.

Measure: Percentage of students who earn 16 or more credits by the end of Grade 10.

Measure: Percentage of students enrolled in at least one Grade 12 math or Grade 11 or 12 science courses.

Measure: Percentage of students participating in at least one job skills program (Specialist High Skills Major, Dual Credits or Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program).

Measure: Percentage of students who believe their learning has prepared them for the next step in their learning experience (i.e. next grade, post secondary, etc).

Data is forthcoming from the Ministry of Education.

Student Engagement & Well-Being

Goal: Improve students’ participation in class time and learning

Measure: Percentage of students in Grades 4-12 who were suspended at least once.

Measure: Percentage of students in Grades 1-8 whose individual attendance rate is equal to or greater than 90 percent.

Goal: Improve student well-being

Measure: Percentage of Grade 6, 9 and 10 students who report being aware of mental health supports and services in order to seek supports for mental health.

Data is forthcoming from the Ministry of Education.

Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Core Academic Skills - 2022-2023

Goal: Improve students’ literacy learning and achievement

Percentage of students who meet or exceed the provincial standard

Assessment Area WRDSB Performance Provincial Performance
Grade 3 EQAO Reading 73% 73%
Grade 3 EQAO Writing 65% 65%
Grade 6 EQAO Reading 84% 84%
Grade 6 EQAO Writing 85% 84%

Percentage of fully participating, first-time eligible students who are successful on the OSSLT/TPCL

WRDSB Performance Provincial Performance
85% 85%

Goal: Improve students’ math learning and achievement

Percentage of students who meet or exceed the provincial standard

Assessment Area WRDSB Performance Provincial Performance
Grade 3 EQAO Math 59% 60%
Grade 6 EQAO Math 51% 50%
Grade 9 EQAO Math 55% 54%

Actions WRDSB Will Take to Improve

Years 1-3

Grade 3 & 6 EQAO Reading & Writing and OSSLT:

  1. Provide support for the implementation of the revised Language curriculum.
  2. Provide professional learning for administrators and staff with a focus on structured literacy.
  3. Provide job-embedded support with itinerant teachers, focused on effective instructional strategies and assessment practices in de-streamed classrooms.
  4. Create differentiated professional learning opportunities for staff (e.g., instructional support days, blended learning days).
  5. Use a tiered intervention model in the classroom to support student learning.

Grade 3, 6, & 9 EQAO Math:

  1. Place mathematics facilitators in Grade 3 and 6 classrooms in schools identified by the Ministry of Education.
  2. Provide professional learning for administrators and staff with a focus on mathematics.
  3. Provide support for educators to complete the math part 1 additional qualifications course.
  4. Share the Math Achievement Action Plan on the WRDSB website.
  5. Provide job-embedded support and professional learning with Itinerant Math Coaches in secondary schools.
  6. Place Math and Literacy intervention specialists in schools to support Grade 7 to 10 classrooms.
  7. Share educator and administrator resources on the WRDSB de-streaming website.

Preparation of Students for Future Success - 2021-2022

Goal: Improve students’ graduation rates and preparedness for future success

Percentage of students who earn 16 or more credits by the end of Grade 10

WRDSB Performance Provincial Performance
82% 80%

Percentage of students participating in at least one job skills program (Specialist High Skills Major, Dual Credits or Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program)

WRDSB Performance Provincial Performance
14% 21%

Percentage of students graduating with an OSSD within five years of starting Grade 9

WRDSB Performance Provincial Performance
86.2% 89.1%

Percentage of students enrolled in at least one Grade 12 math or Grade 11 or 12 science courses

WRDSB Performance Provincial Performance
59.6% 60.5%

Percentage of students who believe their learning has prepared them for the next step in their learning experience (i.e. next grade, post secondary, etc)

Data is forthcoming from the Ministry of Education.

Actions WRDSB Will Take to Improve

Years 1-3

16 credits by Grade 10:

  1. Provide Grade 6 to 7 and Grade 8 to 9 transition support to students.
  2. Provide opportunities for Grade 8 students to earn “reach ahead” credits.
  3. Offer credit rescue and credit recovery interventions in secondary schools.
  4. Utilize a Graduation Coach to support Black students.
  5. Use a tiered intervention model to support student learning.
  6. Place Math and Literacy intervention specialists in secondary schools to support credit accumulation.

Job Skills Program:

  1. Offer Dual Credit (College/University) programs.
  2. Offer School Within a College (SWAC) program with Conestoga College.
  3. Expand offerings available through Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM), Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs (OYAP), and Co-op Education.
  4. Offer summer school Co-op Education opportunities.

OSSD in 5 Years:

  1. Engage in credit accumulation monitoring.
  2. Offer credit rescue and credit recovery interventions in secondary schools.
  3. Offer “build a credit” program to students.
  4. Offer e-learning opportunities to earn credits.
  5. Expand offerings available through Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM), Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs (OYAP), and Cooperative Education.
  6. Create online dashboards for monitoring of student achievement.

Grade 11-12 Math & Science:

  1. Provide single streaming of core courses in Grade 10 to ensure all pathway options remain open to students when they enter grades 11 and 12.
  2. Continue implementation of tiered intervention model to support student learning.

Prepared for Learning:

  1. Provide Grade 6 to 7 and Grade 8 to 9 transition support to students.
  2. Continue partnership with the Smart Waterloo Region Innovation Lab to engage students in innovative learning opportunities.
  3. Launch a transition survey for students in Grades 7-11.
  4. Launch exit survey for graduating students.

Student Engagement & Well-Being - 2021-2022

Goal: Improve students’ participation in class time and learning

Percentage of students in Grades 1- 8 whose individual attendance rate is equal to or greater than 90 percent

WRDSB Performance Provincial Performance
49.7% 52.6%

Percentage of students in Grades 4 - 12 who were suspended at least once

WRDSB Performance Provincial Performance
3.54% 3.32%

Percentage of Grade 6, 9 and 10 students who report being aware of mental health supports and services in order to seek supports for mental health

Data is forthcoming from the Ministry of Education.

Actions WRDSB Will Take to Improve

Years 1 - 3

90% Attendance:

  1. Offer training to Social Workers/Attendance Counsellors from the OAAC.
  2. Continue to monitor and support students’ attendance.
  3. Revamp the Attendance Counselling procedure.


  1. Provide an administrator learning series with a focus on Safe Schools, including the use of mitigating factors as articulated in the Education Act and relevant regulations.
  2. Provide professional learning on Training Active Bystanders to intermediate schools.
  3. Provide professional learning on Dismantling Anti-Black Racism.

Aware of Mental Health Supports:

  1. Establish student wellness teams at each secondary school and provide ongoing support, including learning about mental health.
  2. Plan and host the annual student wellness conference.
  3. Offer professional learning sessions related to resources from SMHO.
  4. Provide learning opportunities for staff to develop mental health literacy led by school mental health clinicians.

Source: As reported by schools through the:

  • Ontario School Information System (OnSIS), 2021-2022
  • Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), 2022-2023