WRDSB staff have been preparing for de-streaming in Grade 9 since the announcement was made by the Province in July 2020. This has included significant preparation by central staff, who have developed an extensive library of support material and resources for educators to access.
Educators have had the opportunity to take part in varied training, through keynote speakers, professional learning series, school team sessions, webinars and small group sessions designed to enhance educators’ strategies to help learners grow identity and academic knowledge.
Yes. Our goal is to provide high-quality education to all students. The research shows that all students benefit when they learn together in a mixed group that also ensures individual support. The new Grade 9 courses and single streamed Grade 10 courses will continue to hold high expectations for learning, offer opportunities to extend thinking, and develop students’ critical thinking. Students that need extra support beyond the classroom will all have access to student success teachers, intervention support, special education and tutors.
Our educators understand that every student is at a different stage in their personal learning journey, and they design instructional and assessment opportunities with these differences in mind.
Yes. Educators are well aware that students had a variety of learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning activities in de-streamed classes are designed to meet students where they are while providing multiple opportunities to progress along their individual learning journeys.
Educators will continue to be the primary source of support. However, classroom teachers will work in partnership with special education teachers, student success teachers, educational assistants, and other education workers to ensure all students have access to the supports they need to be successful.
Students who take de-streamed courses in Grade 9 and 10 will have the opportunity to pursue all post-secondary options after secondary school, including apprenticeship, college, university or the workplace.
Specialized post-secondary preparation courses are offered beginning in Grade 11 and 12.
The de-streaming of the Grade 9 curriculum was the first step towards further de-streaming in other curriculum areas, which will better support all students in having every opportunity to pursue the pathway of their choice after their K-12 education. As a result of our commitment to all students having access to all the course options in Grade 11, all of our Grade 10 courses will also be only at the Academic level by the 2024-2025 school year.
While we do not yet know what other courses and curriculum may additionally be changed by the Ministry of Education, rest assured that we will communicate those changes to our students, family and school communities as they occur.
The new courses are available for educators and parents on the Ontario Curriculum and Resources website.
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