Water testing results showed two drinking water fixtures were impacted.

Fixture Number: CHC-56; drinking fountain (pool area)
Test date: January 9, 2020
Standing result: 24.3 ug/L
Flushed result: 4.3 ug/L

Fixture Number: CHC-57; bottle filler (pool area)
Test date: January 10, 2020
Standing result: 48.8 ug/L
Flushed result: 10.8 ug/L

Corrective actions:

  • Flush ALL drinking water fixtures daily;
  • Permanently render fixtures CHC-56 & CHC-57 unusable for drinking
  • Take two sets of resamples from drinking water fixture CHC-57 where the initial samples were taken a minimum of seven days apart from each other, but within 30 days of the initial sample