As part of an enhanced testing strategy to support in-person learning in Ontario, Region of Waterloo Public Health has worked with the Province on the expansion of asymptomatic testing at pharmacies to include school and school board staff. 

Pharmacy testing is voluntary

School and school board staff who have potential concerns or wish to be proactive with their personal health and well-being are required to make an appointment at participating pharmacies and provide the name of their school/work location. This testing is voluntary and is to be done on an employee’s own time. Staff are reminded to speak to their medical practitioner for COVID-19 related health concerns and/or Region of Waterloo Public Health website for up-to-date COVID-19 information.  

You can get a COVID-19 test at a participating pharmacy if you do not have symptoms.  Staff with symptoms, or who have had an exposure or are a contact of a confirmed case, should continue to seek testing through the assessment centres in their community as per health unit direction. 

We continue to ask all staff to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. This includes completing the daily self-assessment for symptoms before attending school: