For most children and parents, the first day of school can be an exciting milestone. When students begin school in Kindergarten, all students will learn through play. Play-based learning is an essential part of a child’s development and combines all areas of learning. Through play, children learn skills to help them negotiate social relationships and use language to express their thoughts. Educators guide children during play to help them learn that words and actions can affect others.

Your involvement in your child’s learning is important at every stage of their education. There are many things that you can do at home to give your child a positive start to help them make the most of kindergarten.

There is no staggered entry for kindergarten students this year. All kindergarten students will start school on Tuesday, September 3 for a full day of learning.

How to prepare your child for the first day of Kindergarten

Arrive early and walk around the school and playground to help your child feel comfortable in this new space. If your child will be taking the bus, try to visit the school a few days in advance. Remind them about the exciting new things they will learn and take some time to greet or talk to the educators together. Invite your child to take a special item from home (e.g., a stuffed toy to provide comfort) if necessary.

Talk and play together

Talk with your child – ask for opinions, respond to questions, promote re-telling of events and stories. When you talk with your child, you help build their language skills and increase their thinking about new things. Playing together can be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences for your family.

Read stories and sing together

Reading and singing with your child can help develop literacy skills. By reading and singing together, you introduce literacy in a positive and fun way.

Encourage responsibility

Give your child some responsibilities suited to their age and ability, for example, caring for toys, making clothing choices, setting the table, or simple food preparation.

Provide enriching experiences

Visit the school or local library, and share experiences such as trips to the park, zoo or local farm.

Support your child’s healthy mind and body

Ensure your child has enough sleep every night and is provided with a healthy diet. Try to develop a consistent routine at home.

Connect with community partners

Our community health partners and their services are here to support you and your child.

Learn more about our Kindergarten program


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