Applications for the French immersion program are open until Friday, January 31, 2025.

Apply for French Immersion

Families of children born in 2018: Apply for the French immersion program.

Need help with the application process?

WRDSB French Programs

French language programs at the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) begin in Grade 1. All students learn French through the core French program by listening, speaking, reading and writing. Two pathways for French language learning begin in Grade 2. This video highlights the learning experiences across the French pathways.


  • French Immersion

  • Core French

French Immersion – Application Required

Students and families interested in French immersion must complete an application process. Applications for the 2025-26 school year close on January 31, 2025.

Grades 2-6

Beginning in Grade 2, students enrolled in French immersion spend 58 percent of their day learning in French. Subjects taught in French immersion include:


  • French Language Arts

  • Social Studies

  • Visual Arts

  • Drama/Dance/Music

  • Physical Education

Grades 7 and 8

Students in French immersion continue their learning in French for 50 percent of the day. Subjects taught in French immersion include:


  • French Language Arts

  • Geography/History

  • A combination of Visual Arts, Drama, Music and/or Physical Education

Students who have completed Grade 8 French immersion can continue their French language pathway in select secondary schools.

Learn More About French Immersion

Find more information on the WRDSB website:

Core French

Core French is taught to all students in our elementary and secondary schools as part of WRDSB’s mandate to provide early access to French language learning. Students learn French through experiences centred around listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students are automatically enrolled in core French starting in Grade 1. Students who follow the core French pathway until Grade 8 receive at least 600 hours of French language instruction by the end of their elementary school experience.

Students are automatically enrolled in core French. There is no application required for core French.

Learn more about French Programs at the WRDSB.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

If I apply to French immersion, am I guaranteed a spot?

The WRDSB does not guarantee a spot in Grade 2 French immersion. When the demand exceeds the capacity to offer the program, a lottery system determines which students are accepted.

The lottery system establishes Grade 2 French immersion classes. Home school students who apply before January 31 (Phase 1) receive priority.

Students are considered home school students when:


  • Students live within the boundary of the neighbourhood school (determined by your home address)

  • Students have an older sibling attending French immersion at the same school

All applications after February 1 are processed on a first-come, first-served basis (Phase 2).

Which school will my child attend?

There are no attendance boundaries for French immersion.

If your home school offers French immersion, we will try to place your child there first. You may also select two additional schools on your application. You may choose three other schools if your home school does not offer French immersion.

If my child secures a spot in the French immersion program, can my other children attend the same school even if it is not their “home school”?


Are French immersion students eligible for transportation?

The guidelines used to determine eligibility in the WRDSB’s transportation policy apply to students attending their home school for the French Immersion program. Transportation to an out-of-boundary school for French immersion is not provided.

When will we know if our child has secured a spot in the program?

Families will be notified in March if they have secured a spot in the program. Spots will be held for two weeks. During these two weeks, families must click on the link sent to their email to confirm the placement. If families decline their spots, students from the waiting list will be contacted to fill those vacancies.

Find answers to more frequently asked questions.