Choosing your French Language Pathway

What French language pathways are available to my child?

All WRDSB elementary students have access to two French as a Second Language (FSL) programs through the core French and French immersion pathways.

What if my child has special needs and/or is experiencing difficulty in learning? Can I still apply?

Yes! One of the guiding principles for FSL outlined in A Framework for French as a Second Language in Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12 (2013) is that “FSL programs are for all students” (p. 10). For more information, consult the Ontario guide Including Students with Special Education Needs in French as a Second Language Programs.

French Immersion

Do French immersion students receive support if they require special programming?

Yes. One of the guiding principles for FSL outlined in A Framework for French as a Second Language in Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12 (2013) is that “FSL programs are for all students” (p. 10). Participation in FSL programs should reflect the diversity of the student population, including students with special education needs and students who are English language learners. Students will receive an education that is tailored to their individual needs in all French pathways.

I don’t speak French. How can I support my child?

Families do not need French language skills for their child to learn French. For more information please visit Canadian Parents for French.

What if my child speaks multiple languages?

“Current research supports the concept that multilingualism has many benefits, such as facilitating English proficiency, improving career opportunities, and enhancing understanding and appreciation of global diversity.” For more information, visit:

What if I choose to change pathways from immersion to core French?

The choice of changing from the French immersion pathway to the core French pathway is up to the discretion of the family.  For further information, please see Administrative Procedure 1000 French Immersion – Elementary (section 9)

Where can I find more information about French?

Canadian Parents for French is a nationwide, research-informed, volunteer organization that furthers bilingualism by promoting opportunities to learn and use French for all those who call Canada home.

Access and Availability

How do you decide which schools offer the French immersion program?

Existing schools continue to offer French immersion when there is enough enrolment. The decision to expand into other schools is made by the end of March for the following school year. We consider many factors in expanding the French immersion program to other schools. The factors are listed in Adminstrative Procedure 1000 – French Immersion – Elementary.

My school has French immersion. When I apply, will my child have priority to attend that school? 

Students who live within the boundary of the Home School or have an older sibling enrolled in the French immersion program are prioritized in the lottery if they apply by January 31 (Phase 1). We take all applications after February 1 on a first-come, first-served basis where there is space (Phase 2).

Do you limit the number of students who can apply for French immersion? 

All students are encouraged to apply. We try to place as many students as possible. We must follow the Ministry of Education class size guidelines. If more students want French immersion than there are spots available, waiting lists are created.


How do I apply for French Immersion for my child? 

We use a lottery system to form our French immersion classes for the entry-level year. Each year, applications to the lottery are accepted until January 31 (Phase 1). You can apply online at We take applications until the 20th school day of the entry-level year (Phase 2). If you need help, call 519-570-0003 ext. 4419 or email

If my child does not start French immersion at the entry point, could I provide tutoring so that they may enroll later? 

Students must start the French immersion program at the entry point (Grade 2 as of September 2025). Tutoring will not provide your child with the required number of hours in French language instruction to ensure that they are at the same level as their peers.

Can my child enroll in French immersion within their Grade 2 year or later?

The WRDSB only has one entry point for French immersion – the start of Grade 2. Students within their Grade 2 year or after may attend a WRDSB school for French immersion if they are enrolled in French immersion or have French language experience. Proof of previous French immersion instruction or equivalent French language experience is required (e.g., a report card or alternative proof of language skill).

How do I learn more about enrolling my child in French immersion? 

You can visit our website:, call 519-570-0003 ext. 4419 or email

Out of Boundary Considerations

If my child will be applying for French immersion, will the Principal in a school offering the French immersion program accept them before Grade 2 even though it is considered out-of-boundary? 

Students anticipating applying for Grade 2 French immersion should attend their Home School for Kindergaten to Grade 1.

If my child attends Kindergarten-Grade 1 in an out-of-boundary school, will they be considered from within the school boundary area for entry into French immersion?

In this case, the student is considered to be from within the school boundary only if they had a sibling enrolled in the French immersion program when the student enters French immersion.

Do all French immersion schools accept out-of-boundary students?

Most schools can accept out-of-boundary students. However, due to capacity or site constraints, some schools may not be able to accept any out-of-boundary students or only a limited number.  For a list of schools that have limited enrollment please visit our website.

What if my neighbourhood home school does not offer French immersion?

You may apply to an out-of-boundary school if your home school does not offer French immersion. Please note that transportation to an out-of-boundary school is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver. Please refer to our Student Transportation policy for details. Due to site constraints and over-enrolment, some schools may limit out-of-boundary registrations for French immersion. Please see the list of limited enrolment schools.

If my child is in French immersion, can my other children attend the same school?

Yes. If your child is enrolled in French immersion, then the child’s siblings can attend that same school. The siblings can be older or younger than the child in French immersion, and the siblings do not need to be enrolled in French immersion. This does not apply to older siblings if the home school is JK-6 and the sibling attends a different school for Grades 7 and 8.

What if my neighbourhood school offers French immersion?

During the application process, more students may apply than spots available. In this case, you may be put on a waiting list. While on the waiting list, you can accept a spot at an out-of-boundary school to secure your child’s attendance in the French immersion program. If your child’s home school has French immersion, they must return to their home school for Grade 3.  

If a student attends an out-of-boundary school for Grades 2-6 and their Grade 7 home school (based on the home address) has French immersion, they are to attend that school for Grade 7.  Students who want to attend another school can use the Out of Boundary Request process.


Transportation – are French immersion students eligible?

Transportation (busing) to an out-of-boundary school for French immersion is not provided. The distance guidelines used to decide whether or not a student can ride a school bus are only for students attending their home school for the French immersion program.

Please refer to our Student Transportation policy for details.


Contact us
For more information about French programs, please call 519-570-0003 x4277 or email.

For more information about French Immersion applications, please call 519-570-0003 x4419 or email.