French Immersion Waiting Lists
Phase 1 (applications received by January 31)
Waiting lists are for all students not placed in a class due to the Phase 1 lottery. The position in the lottery determines the order of the waiting list.
We keep waiting lists open and place applicants in available spaces into September.
A student can be on up to three (3) waiting lists to increase their chances of acceptance. Please check out the list of WRDSB schools with French immersion.
If a spot opens up, a waiting list student is notified and will have five (5) business days to confirm they accept the placement.
A student must secure a spot in French immersion by the 20th instructional day of the school year.
If you applied in Phase 1, you do not need to apply again in Phase 2.
Phase 2 (applications received after February 1)
We place Phase 2 applicants on a first-come, first-served basis. We give priority to Phase 1 applicants.
Many classes/schools fill up in Phase 1. Phase 2 applicants can be on up to three (3) waiting lists to increase their chances of acceptance. Please check out the list of WRDSB schools with French immersion.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why did we not secure a spot at our Home School or first choice?
Grade 2 French immersion classes are created through a lottery system in this order:
- Students with a sibling in French immersion at the school (and that sibling will be attending the school next year)
- Home school students
- Out-of-boundary students
A maximum of 20-23 students can be accepted into each French immersion class. When more students apply than there are spots available, waiting lists are formed.
We always try to place students at their Home School or top choice first. If those schools are full the student may be placed at another one of their choices.
Accepting a spot at your second or third choice does not remove you from the waiting list at your higher-priority school.
What are my chances of securing a spot if I’m on a waiting list?
There are several factors that affect your chances of securing a spot. You can increase your chances by:
- Selecting up to 3 schools
- Selecting schools that are not “Limited Enrolment” (schools with an asterisk * beside them in the application form)
- Be flexible about where you are willing to attend – some schools have longer waiting lists than others
Important reminder: The WRDSB does not bus students to out-of-boundary schools for French immersion.
Does accepting a spot at my 2nd or 3rd choice take me off the list of other schools?
Accepting a spot at a school other than your first choice does not remove you from the waiting list at your higher-priority school.