The primary goals of the Kindergarten program are:

  • to establish a strong foundation for learning in the early years;
  • to help children make a smooth transition from home, child care, or preschool settings to school settings;
  • to allow children to reap the many proven benefits of learning through relationships, and through play and inquiry;
  • to set children on a path of lifelong learning and nurture competencies that they will need to thrive in the world of today and tomorrow.

(source: The Kindergarten Program – Ministry of Education, 2016)

The learning expectations for the Kindergarten program represent the first in a series of steps leading to Grade 8. What your child learns in Kindergarten, will prepare them for successful learning experiences in Grade 1.

Meet the Educators

Kindergarten Educators and a Principal discuss the importance of Kindergarten, play-based learning, and the benefits of the full-day Kindergarten program.

The Four Frames

In the Kindergarten program, four “frames,” or broad areas of learning, are used to structure thinking about learning and assessment. The frames − Belonging and Contributing, Self-Regulation and Well-Being, Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours, and Problem Solving and Innovating − are designed to support an approach that aligns with the way children’s learning naturally occurs and that focuses on aspects of learning that are critical to young children’s development. The frames reflect the integrated way in which learning occurs during children’s play and inquiry in Kindergarten.