What is a facility partnership?

A Facility Partnership is a cooperative and collaborative relationship between the school board and community organizations for the use of buildings and sites, which include various levels of government, the public and community agencies as defined within Administrative Procedure 4990 – Community Planning and Facility Partnerships.

Partnerships help to reduce facility costs and/or improve educational opportunities for students. Offering space in schools to partners can strengthen the role of schools in communities, provide a place for programs and facilitate the coordination of and improve access to, services for students and the wider community.

Please note that entities providing competing education services, such as tutoring services, Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 private schools or private colleges, credit-offering entities that are not government-funded, and political organizations are not eligible partners.

Annual Meeting

The annual Community Planning and Facility Partnerships public meeting will be held as a part of the regularly scheduled Committee of the Whole Meeting on October 16, 2023.

Current Opportunities (Fall 2023)

Click on the image to see a list of current partnership opportunities

In addition to the summary tables (left), the Long-Term Accommodation Plan provides greater detail about where the WRDSB has a need for additional capacity (to be addressed through new school construction and major additions, pending funding) and where under-utilization is projected to be experienced, which may create licensing opportunities.

At this time proposed new schools are the prime candidates for partnership opportunities.

Becoming a Partner

Where available space has been identified for partnership or co-building opportunities, the WRDSB will use the Community Partner Selection Criteria in Section 3 of Administrative Procedure 4990 to evaluate the suitability of partners and their proposals as they relate to specific sites.



Should a new partnership agreement be established, community partners will be required to pay for and finance their share of construction and operating costs, including a share of joint-use or shared space.

Contact Us

Thank you for your continued interest in partnering with us. Questions may be directed to partnerships@wrdsb.ca.


Ministry of Education Community Planning and Partnerships Guideline – 2015

Board Policy 1011 – Community Planning and Facility Partnerships

Administrative Procedure 4990 – Community Planning and Facility Partnerships

Long-Term Accommodation Plan