All new schools and additions are funded through Capital Priority Funding.

Each year the Ministry requests boards to submit their top priority needs based mostly on increased enrollment projections.

Once funding is approved by the Ministry, Architects are hired to design the school and prepare detailed tender documents that describe the specifications of the school. These documents are put out for viewing on “Bids and Tenders” so general contractors can review them and submit bids for the school. The contractor with the lowest compliant bid will be awarded the contract to build the school.


Each year the Ministry provides boards with a specified budget to make improvements to existing schools. These improvements include replacing critical infrastructure that has reached the end of useful life. For example windows, roofing, flooring, brick, HVAC systems, etc. We also are able to use this funding to improve accessibility and upgrade science labs, libraries, administration spaces, washrooms, etc.


Our board employs 4 project coordinators who are instrumental in managing new builds and well as school renewal projects. The project coordinators work with architects and contractors through the design and construction phases to assure success for all projects with respect to cost, quality, and schedule.


Our Board has also developed design standards for many of the infrastructure items mentioned above as well as standards for spaces within the school like libraries, gymnasiums, offices, washrooms, etc.

This assures that all schools receive the same standards and allows us to more effectively prioritize the needs of a school.