Find answers to your frequently asked questions about registering for school in the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB).

Questions About Registration

Do I need to apply or register each school year?

No. Once your students is registered, you do not need to register them again for school, unless:

  • The student needs to transfer between WRDSB schools
Can I ride a school bus to school?

Transportation eligibility is determined by Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR). Please direct all inquiries or concerns about transportation to STSWR directly.

Are there school buses for the winter months?

Transportation eligibility is determined by Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region (STSWR). Please direct all inquiries or concerns about transportation to STSWR directly.

What grade would my student be in?

In Ontario, students are placed in a grade based on their year of birth.

See which grade your student will attend:

What school would my student attend?

Use the School Finder tool to enter your home address. Select WRDSB (the public board) as your school board, and select your student’s grade to see which school they will attend.