What is a Parent Involvement Committee?
The purpose of PIC is to support, encourage and enhance the engagement of parents/guardians of the WRDSB in their children’s education, to improve student achievement and well-being.
The goals of PIC are to:
- develop and recommend strategies that the Board can use to effectively communicate with, and engage, parents/guardians in their children’s education
- organize presentations and resources to help parents/guardians support their children’s learning
- embrace diversity and inclusion, and address barriers to engagement
- foster wellness and well-being in our students and families
- communicate information from the Ministry of Education to parents/guardians
PIC Membership
As a member of a PIC, you will have an opportunity to strengthen parent partnership in education and become part of a dedicated committee committed to helping every student achieve.
The PIC Committee includes up to 24 members and is comprised of parent volunteers, as well as representation from the director of education, trustees, school administrators, and community members including::
- 16 parent or guardian members: PIC membership will represent the diversity of Waterloo Region with representation of elementary, intermediate, and secondary school levels, along with at least one (1) parent member from each of the three (3) cities [Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo] and four (4) townships [North Dumfries, Wellesley, Wilmot, Woolwich]. New parents/guardians can join PIC in October of each school year. Interested persons may apply through our online application.
- the director of education (or a designate)
- one elementary principal or vice-principal
- one secondary principal or vice-principal
- one teacher rep
- one trustee
- one to three community representative(s)
PIC Meetings
PIC meets four times a year to advise WRDSB on policies and issues of concern to parents, and to undertake activities to help families support their child’s learning at home and school. PIC members also participate on at least one of their working groups, which includes the Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grant event, Immigrant Engagement, Safe, Caring & Inclusive School (SCIS), or Governance.
Information about these meetings, including dates, agendas and past meeting minutes can be found on the Agendas/Minutes/Meeting Schedule page. Anyone is welcome to attend PIC meetings.
PIC Events
PIC supports learning by hosting presentations and workshops on topics of interest to parents/guardians. These events also provide an opportunity to network with peers, Board members and community groups. Click through the Parent Resource/Links page to learn about upcoming events and other resources. You can also contact PIC at pic@wrdsb.ca.
How can you get involved?
- Join PIC as a PIC Member
- Attend a PIC Meeting
- Volunteer to be on PIC working groups
- Attend PIC Events
- Attend a WRAPSC meeting, on behalf of your School Council
- Offer suggestions, concerns, information to the PIC committee
“Parents play a vital role in the development and education of their children and in the success of schools. They are the most important influence in a child’s life outside of school. Long after direct learning from parents in a child’s early years gives way to formal education, parents continue to play a key role in student success through the attitudes they help to share and the direct supports they provide.”
Ontario Ministry of Education
Tags: committee · goals · meetings · membership · Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) · sub-committees · Waterloo Regional Assembly of Public School Councils (WRAPSC)