To translate this page, please click the Google translate icon in the top right corner of the page.

The image has the Google "G" in multi-colours starting with red, yellow, green, then blue. Followed by the word Translate in big bold letters on a white background.

This page includes resources for parents/guardians, staff, and students to help them support and participate in the census.

Reach out to staff at your/your child’s school for support

Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to reach out to the staff at their child’s school for support in completing the census. Key staff members at your school include that may support you include:

  • School principal
  • School vice-principal
  • Guidance counsellor
  • Classroom teacher
  • Special education resource teacher
  • Educational assistant
  • School settlement worker
  • English second language teacher
  • Child & youth worker

Using Read&Write for Google Chrome 

The Student Census website and the questionnaire are designed to allow for screen readers and translation features to improve the accessibility of information and resources. The Read&Write extension for Google Chrome can read Student Census information and questions out loud in multiple languages for students and parents/guardians who would benefit from this accessibility. You can add the extension for PC/Chromebook and for Mac devices. For more information on accessing and using Read&Write please see the following resources:

Translating Student Census information and the questionnaire

All Student Census information pages and the Student Census questionnaire can be translated using translation features on each page:

  • For the WRDSB Student Census information pages on the WRDSB website, you can click the icon in the top right corner of the screen. The icon looks like this:The image has the Google "G" in multi-colours starting with red, yellow, green, then blue, followed by the word Translate in big bold blue letters on a white background.
  • When you open the Student Census questionnaire that arrives in your email inbox on April 19th, you can translate the questionnaire into many languages by clicking the language menu in the top right corner of the welcome page of the census. The translation looks like this:

On the Census questionnaire preview pages (student version and parent/guardian version) you can translate these pages by right-clicking on the page and selecting ‘Translate to’ from the menu that appears. A menu will appear in the top right corner that will allow you to select from many languages. The menu looks like this: