The WRDSB’s 2024-2025 Board Improvement and Equity Plan (BIEP) has identified four:
- Key areas
- Corresponding results statements
These each connect to the strategic directions set out in our Strategic Plan.
To achieve these results, we have identified:
- Performance indicators we will use to measure progress
- Strategies and actions we plan to implement to positively change the indicators
Please see below for more details on how we plan to reach our goals.
Result: Every student will succeed academically
Indicators |
Strategies |
Examples of Actions |
% of students who are reading at grade level by the end of Grade 2 |
% of students who meet or exceed the provincial standard on Grade 3, 6 EQAO reading, writing and mathematics* |
% of students who meet or exceed the provincial standard on Grade 9 EQAO mathematics* |
% of first time eligible, fully participating students who are successful on the OSSLT* |
*Indicator from the Ministry of Education’s Student Achievement Plan
Pathways and transitions
Result: Every student is prepared for the next step in their elementary and secondary education and their postsecondary pathway
Indicators |
Strategies |
Examples of Actions |
% of students finishing Grade 10 with 16 credits* |
% of students participating in at least one job skills program* |
% of students enrolled in at least one Grade 12 math, or Grade 11 or Grade 12 science course* |
% of students who believe their learning has prepared them for the next step in their learning experience (i.e. next grade, post secondary, etc)* |
% of students graduating with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) within five years of starting Grade 9* |
% of students enrolled in alternative programming (e.g., ACE students) who receive an Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) or Certificate of Accomplishment (COA) |
% of students accessing an educational experience after secondary school (apprenticeship, college, or university) |
*Indicator from the Ministry of Education’s Student Achievement Plan
Sovereignty, human rights and equity
Result: Every student and staff member has equitable opportunities in an environment free from discrimination
Indicators |
Strategies |
Examples of Actions |
% of students achieving the provincial standard in de-streamed courses |
% human rights complaints resolved informally and formally |
% of students receiving special education modifications |
Changes in the identities of individuals who apply, are hired and promoted to positions within WRDSB |
*Indicator from the Ministry of Education’s Student Achievement Plan
Mental health, well-being and engagement
Result: Every student will learn in environments that engage them and support their mental health and well-being
Indicators |
Strategies |
Examples of Actions |
% of students in Grades 1-8 whose individual attendance rate is equal to or greater than 90 percent* |
% of grade 4-12 students suspended or expelled from school* |
% of Grade 6, 9 and 10 students who report being aware of mental health supports and services in order to seek supports for mental health* |
% of students in Grades 4-12 who feel their school is a safe, inclusive environment as reported through the Safe, Caring and Inclusive School survey |
% of students in Grades 4-12 with high well-being as reported through the Safe, Caring and Inclusive School survey |
% of students who feel engaged at their school as reported through a student survey |
% of staff who report the workplace as psychologically and socially supportive through the Guarding Minds at Work survey |
% of staff who report that their work environment protects their physical safety through the Guarding Minds at Work survey |
% of staff who feel engaged at work as reported through the Guarding Minds at Work survey |
*Indicator from the Ministry of Education’s Student Achievement Plan